Signing up for our Event Alerts will help you stay on top of all of the happenings going on in the hospitality industry. Plus, it's free and simple to signup!

Reasons to Opt-in for Event Alerts:

  1. Get notified about Open Calls near you
  2. Learn about industry events where you can network and/or contribute to a good cause
  3. Continue to expand your knowlege with educational classes and workshop

How-to Opt-in to Event Alerts:
CulinaryAgents Creating an Event Alerts

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click on "Events" from the top menu
  3. Type in the City (or cities) in which you would like to receive alerts 
  4. Click "Add Alert"
  5. Check or uncheck the preference of types of alerts per city (e.g., Open Calls & Job Fairs, Industry Events)

Once signed up, you'll receive a weekly email about upcoming Events in the city/cities you have selected.