Bouchon Bakery - Yountville

6528 Washington Street, Yountville, CA, United States

French, Desserts

Bakery / Patisserie

51-100 Employees • 40 Employees on Culinary Agents

The current and former employees linked to this business are based on member profile data.

Employees (

I Work(ed) Here
Ariella Wolkowicz
BakerJul 2013Present
Cristian Medina
Kitchen PorterAug 2014Present
Danielle Moreno
Sous Chef2016Present
Lauren Doggett
Pastry CommissaryFeb 2016Present
Anna Wagner
Pastry CommisOct 2016Present
Erin Lovelace
Pastry Sous ChefJul 2017Present
Madison Bussow
Pastry CommissaryJun 2019Present
Katia Jazmin Infante
Retail AssociateNov 2024Present
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Do you work here or have you worked here? Add yourself to this business's employee list.
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