Memento Mori Hospitality
Once upon a time, long ago, in a land far far away, there was a fat little boy who got sick with mononucleosis and was bedridden for weeks. The year was 2003. The faraway land was Los Angeles. Fat little Jackson (fat big young Jackson?) was exhausted and bored out of his mind after weeks in bed. While flipping through TV channels, he landed on a cooking show in which a small blonde woman was stuffing herbed cream cheese inside of salmon.
“Huh,” he thought, “this is interesting.” Cooking before that moment had been Easy Mac or PB&Js. Now though, Jackson was enamored with gourmet cooking. Enchanted. Engrossed. Enthralled, even. After that formative afternoon watching Sarah Moulton, there was no turning back. Jackson knew that from then on, he would live and breathe restaurants.
The moment Jackson recovered, he “cooked” a six-course meal for neighbors around the block, including herbed cream cheese-stuffed salmon wrapped in phyllo dough. His enthusiasm was high, but critics felt the execution left much to be desired. Furthermore, Jackson’s poor mother had to go to the store at least a dozen times before Jackson “remembered” all of the ingredients for that fateful dinner. While not perfect, this meal gave Jackson the confidence to pursue his dream of making great food for others. Some might say he got a little too much confidence..
Once upon a time, long ago, in a land far far away, there was a fat little boy who got sick with mononucleosis and was bedridden for weeks. The year was 2003. The faraway land was Los Angeles. Fat little Jackson (fat big young Jackson?) was exhausted and bored out of his mind after weeks in bed. While flipping through TV channels, he landed on a cooking show in which a small blonde woman was stuffing herbed cream cheese inside of salmon.
“Huh,” he thought, “this is interesting.” Cooking before that moment had been Easy Mac or PB&Js. Now though, Jackson was enamored with gourmet cooking. Enchanted. Engrossed. Enthralled, even. After that formative afternoon watching Sarah Moulton, there was no turning back. Jackson knew that from then on, he would live and breathe restaurants.
The moment Jackson recovered, he “cooked” a six-course meal for neighbors around the block, including herbed cream cheese-stuffed salmon wrapped in phyllo dough. His enthusiasm was high, but critics felt the execution left much to be desired. Furthermore, Jackson’s poor mother had to go to the store at least a dozen times before Jackson “remembered” all of the ingredients for that fateful dinner. While not perfect, this meal gave Jackson the confidence to pursue his dream of making great food for others. Some might say he got a little too much confidence..