516 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90401, United States


Casual Dining, Bar / Lounge, Upscale Casual

11-25 Employees • 13 Employees on Culinary Agents

The current and former employees linked to this business are based on member profile data.

Employees (

I Work(ed) Here
Melody Benson
Maitre D2023Present
Oskar Zabala
Isabel Macdonell
ServerJul 2023Present
Jessica Andrea Santos
Chef des cuisinesJul 2023Present
Wilbert Vega
BackwaiterJul 2023Present
Clary Rokeach
ServerOct 2023Present
Christian Neal
Lead BartenderFeb 2024Present
Do you work here or have you worked here? Add yourself to this business's employee list.
Do you work here or have you worked here? Add yourself to this business's employee list.
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