The Ivory Peacock

38 West 26th Street, New York, NY

French, Japanese

Bar / Lounge, Upscale Casual

51-100 Employees • 26 Employees on Culinary Agents

The current and former employees linked to this business are based on member profile data.

Employees (

I Work(ed) Here
Fernando .
Sous Chef2021Present
Grayson Altenberg
Executive ChefJul 2022Present
Daniel Benitez
Head BartenderNov 2022Present
Kevin Jimeno
Food RunnerFeb 2023Present
Wendoline López
ServerSep 2023Present
Xavier Marzan
Bartender/ManagerOct 2023Present
marco antonio
BartenderJan 2024Present
Diego Moreno
BarbackFeb 2024Present
Do you work here or have you worked here? Add yourself to this business's employee list.
Do you work here or have you worked here? Add yourself to this business's employee list.
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