1739 N Front St, Philadelphia, PA


Upscale Casual, Restaurant Group

101-200 Employees • 28 Employees on Culinary Agents

The current and former employees linked to this business are based on member profile data.

Employees (

I Work(ed) Here
Eduardo Sandoval
ServerSep 2021Present
Kristine Wood
BartenderSep 2021Present
Bernardo Hernandez
BartenderOct 2021Present
Martia Reed
Server AssistantDec 2021Present
Rachael Stillman
BartenderMar 2022Present
Alana Gardner
ServerSep 2022Present
Jose Lugo
Prep CookSep 2022Present
Macey Karmilowicz
ServerSep 2022Present
Arelis Ortiz
BartenderOct 2022Present
Isa Matisse
HostApr 2023Present
Lamiesse Mekdaschi
HostApr 2023Present
Allison Thompson
BartenderJun 2023Present
Julie Foering
BarbackJun 2023Present
Finch Grace
BartenderNov 2023Present
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Do you work here or have you worked here? Add yourself to this business's employee list.
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