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Good morning, New York City. It’s hard to get out of bed when your desk is in it. It doesn’t feel like a fresh day when you’re not sure it’s begun.
There’s a whole fascinating world out there, yet people are sitting in their bedrooms, Zooming along, waiting for weekends. fluxo exists to bring people together at the neighborhood spots they already love. fluxo spaces and fluxo events get people working with each other, interacting and enjoying the weekdays, exploring local spaces.
fluxo means working at the awesome local spots around them, alongside friends and colleagues - new and old. Breweries, bars, restaurants, lounges, event spaces—these are the workspaces of the fluxo future.
What if your favorite local bar was your Tuesday morning Wi-Fi hotspot? Could you hold that big meeting in the corner booth at a restaurant? The coffees are flowing – your friends just arrived to join for a little afternoon work session.
And what if your employer was paying for it all?
What if work was fun, local, and communal, etc.?