Metropolitan Bakery

1036 Marlborough St, Philadelphia, PA, United States


11-25 Employees • 26 Employees on Culinary Agents

The current and former employees linked to this business are based on member profile data.

Employees (

I Work(ed) Here
Do you work here or have you worked here? Add yourself to this business's employee list.
NameTitleStartEndMost Recent
Andre Jenkins
Pastry ChefMar 2022Aug 2022
Victor Milillo
Pastry ChefJun 2015May 2022
Jose Ramirez
Baker/DriverJun 2020Mar 2022
Ellen Jane Wallaesa
Baker/PastrySep 2020Jun 2021
Reid Upadhyay
Assistant ManagerAug 2018Sep 2020
Ariel Platt
Kerry Britton
BakerAug 2018Nov 2018
Raina Beresniewicz
Pastry ChefFeb 2012May 2018
Nicole Pogas
Assistant Pastry ChefFeb 2017Apr 2018
Miranda Meredith
Production CookAug 2016Nov 2016
Kyle Patterson
Catering Prep CookFeb 2016Aug 2016
Andrea Clendaniel
Pastry CookJun 2015Feb 2016
Line Prep/DishwasherSep 2015Nov 2015
Alvy Hyppolite
BakerSep 2014May 2015
Dane Frazier
Head Baker20112015
Dorian Boland
Line CookMay 2013Nov 2014
John Soto
First and Second Shift ManagerAug 1996Feb 2014
Adrien Carnecchia
Bread-lineJun 2011Sep 2011
Becca Schack
Bread ProducerMar 2009Aug 2009
James McAleese
Head bread baker/ night supervisorMar 1994Aug 1995
Do you work here or have you worked here? Add yourself to this business's employee list.
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